I recently downloaded the new (to me) Google Toolbar with options such as sending an article to my blog with one click. A red arrow page icon directs you to "send your selection or whole page to Gmail/Blogger." I was hoping the entire article would appear on the page, though. The enclosure link was automatic, for both the title and the subheading. (I cut the headline down by removing several extraneous words.)
Then I had to upload the photo from this article separately. Since it didn't have a photographer by line I'm not sure of the right way to do this.
I am now on the trail of NowPublic.com, a site anyone can join to create and file news articles and news photos. This is heady stuff. Imagine the next generation of journalists getting their start: maybe right at the library. Not everyone is gaming these days. Maybe some library users dream of capturing the attention of UPI or AP!