Picasa? I started by joining Flickr years ago, and just stayed there. Did all my editing in Photoshop Elements before uploading. Time to branch out, since the Library now offers Picasa classes. I was surprised by the ease of use right from the start. When I download Picasa, (to my own computer, not the Library’s) like a little mole it zeroed in on all my photos and busily gathered them up. I chose Picasa as the default to open. Almost immediately I saw how nicely it lets you browse through your stuff. Great big thumbnails – 50% larger than my ancient version of Photoshop Elements. First I zipped through creating a collage of my daughter’s wedding photos. Then I used the “star” tool to select a few dozen photos at random. (Little yellow stars show on the thumbnails, above.) Selections can then be grouped in sets - uploaded to web albums, emailed or blogged, or exported as a HTML document. I would still use Elements if I were editing alot, but maybe Picasa will tempt me with easier methods. I enlarged the toolbar below so you can take a look.
Check out two Picasa sets on my Facebook. (Click badge @ left)
Next: an investigation of the Web Albums feature, and the sharing aspects of Picasa…