Tuesday, January 29, 2008

On Speaking Terms

Elusive Inspiration
Originally uploaded by margalearningzone
I've figured out how to give permission for Blogger to show my Flickr pictures. In the past, I was uploading photos to both Blogger and Flickr and just posting the link on my Blogger link list. If I was doing it incorrectly before, this learning program set me straight. I feel like someone who's been picking peaches from a tree, finally going up on the porch and asking the owner for permission and promising to bake him a pie. We are now on speaking terms.

Also experimented with Flickr's SLiDR to make a slideshow or "badge" or something at the top of the blog. I think they let you decide whose or what photos to run there, and one option is to run a show of favorites you have. As soon as I've added some faves in Flickr, I'll try that.

1 comment:

Vulture Soar said...

I love your slide show, and your photos of the SPLS Barn Swallow sun catcher are wonderful!