Friday, April 4, 2008

#21 & 22: Podcasts and Overdrive

Using the directory "Learn Out Loud" I found three interesting podcasts, each unique and with a different focus. Although I'd still like to look for some with a strictly Library focus, each of these is interesting. They are also in "My RSS Feeds" in the Podcasts folder.

1. BigStoryTime: "Big Podcasts Read by Little Storytellers" : Mitchell, Valerie and Megan review the movie "Ice Age: the Meltdown", and share some knock-knock jokes. Later on, small readers share Boynton and Cousins books and even read the beloved "Goodnight Moon." You'll just love their sassy style. There are many more podcasts here for children, read by both kids and by the authors themselves.

2.Humankind: has socially conscious media stories, humanizing healthcare, breaking down ethnic barriers, and lots, lots more. It's not free podcasts, but it is very interesting audio content.

3. Alive in Baghdad: Voices of Iraquis. A weekly video podcast distributed by World News Limited. It delves into the real lives of people, on a level not seen on the evening news, except perhaps Frontline. It employs Iraqui journalists and covers such topics as Iraqui teens working for their families, corruption in the passport office, searching for employment, etc. Other productions come from Syria and Mexico ("Alive in Mexico.") This one would be great enrichment if you were reading a book on Iraq.

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