Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Underway At Last!

Although I do blog, doing so in conjunction with a learning program is an entirely new experience. Learning 2.0 says to ponder the hardest of seven (and a half) habits for me. My greatest challenge is "Beginning with the end in mind." I guess I'm not alone in that, judging from several other posts. Envisioning a goal that does not change or vary too widely can take massive concentration. How not to be distracted by all the interesting things you encounter along the way?! Defining a specific end and keeping it small enough and still fascinating enough to keep you engaged - now that's a challenge. One way to keep it meaningful is to "add some art." Did you know you can add art or a photo to your header in just a few clicks?

Easiest: Accepting responsibility for my own learning experience I guess, being naturally curious to try something cool. One immediately thinks of interesting applications of that great new tool! On the other hand artists say the overwhelming urge "not to create today" (aka artist's/writer's block) is so common IT must be considered part of your toolbox too. You have to take the energy of all that resistance to creating and - use it to create.

I like the idea that learning these technologies lets us share more than information. Looking forward to the weeks ahead.

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